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Lina Vaz

New Year New You?

It’s interesting to go back to previous posts at this time of year and check what I wrote at the time. It’s all about facing the upcoming months with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for life. In general, all of us tend to start the new year with heartfelt wishes for ourselves and others.

We wish our loved ones much happiness, so that they may be free from all their pain and worries, be it peace, love, good health, prosperity… Then come the new year’s resolutions, where we write a list of all the things we want to do or the way we want to improve ourselves.

Considering how alarming the world is becoming, with a potential alliance between powerful countries that still have an imperialist attitude of conquering neighbouring territories at any cost, and the oblivious attitudes towards the more and more vivid climate change, a new sense of urgency is dawning upon us.

Years go by and we have this annual exercise of considering where we are at and where we want to go, but have we really improved? And how much time do we actually have to become who we aspire to be? That’s the thing about getting older, time just goes faster and faster, so it’s important to make the most of these precious moments of introspection.

I remember writing a post on my first fashion blog - London Fashion Hunter - about ’10 things to do before you die.’ Maybe it’s worth considering our new year’s resolutions as such, not so much in terms of what we want to do, but more of who we want to be.

It’s a well known fact that those who don’t need to worry about survival, and enjoy some sort of financial stability, tend to value experiences above anything else. Contrary to what’s popular on Instagram, luxury fashion and hotels are simply hollow when compared to real life experiences and human interactions.

Looking back at 2022, I feel profoundly grateful for hard won victories and success, but there are also regrets about impulsive behaviours and emotional bad trips. If I would die today, what would I wish to do differently? How much of what I believe is reflected in the world around me?

What is our mind telling us? And how much do we believe it to be true? It’s important to challenge ourselves and be like an astute lawyer, always seeing things from different angles and refuting assumptions. We may not be able to change the world but we can definitely change ourselves.

This doesn't need to be done radically, but moment by moment, making the most of each opportunity to evolve in the right direction. Life is hectic and unpredictable, when we have a quiet space, what feels right becomes clearer and gives us the clue to the next step forward.

May 2023 be the year when we actually make our deepest wishes and aspirations a dream come true. Happy New Year!


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