It may not be possible to turn our back on social media, individuals, brands and businesses can't escape its power to reach others and promote or build up some sort of identity. For the fashion industry, which is so reliant on images, Instagram in particular became a powerful tool of connecting with people and generating income on a much wider scale.
We love following people we admire and brands we like, despite our awareness of being under surveillance and knowing that data about all our online behaviour and shopping habits is being sold and scrutinised by big corporations and political entities, who aim to use it to their own advantage. This creates a very unsettling world reminiscent of the panopticon by French philosopher Michel Foucault.
He describes the prisoner of a panopticon as being at the receiving end of asymmetrical surveillance: “He is seen, but he does not see; he is an object of information, never a subject in communication.” Facebook researchers discovered that "emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness."
As social media users, we do need to be cautious on what we do online as this may have negative implications not only on our life but on the world at large. All social media are run by the same group which is alarming, so #deletefacebook won't really work, some of us can easily get rid of Facebook, but when it comes to WhatsApp and Instagram, it may be a bit more difficult. They're now an integral part of our lifestyle and valuable tools to interact with our family, friends and followers.
So what can we do? This leads us to the dialogue about the internet itself, you have news but you also have fake news, you have #metoo and #fashionrevolution campaigns but you also have pedophile images... When you open a new space of communication both positive and negative messages can happen. Online regulations and bodies should be in place to ensure the respect of human rights, just as it's the case offline.
On an individual level, as social media users, we can definitely ensure we post and like positive images and messages that promote love, kindness and compassion. We can also follow people and brands that share our ethical values and contribute to a positive change in ourselves and the world around us. After all, "emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion"! If we're able to inspire a few people around us and these people do the same, we can actually contribute to make the world a better place. #bethechange