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Go behind the scenes with our fashion insider

We love fashion as much as you do but as consumers we are unaware of our power, particularly today when companies respond more and more to data about us from diverse online and offline sources. The pages we see, our clicks, our likes on social media, what we buy in store... Everything is up for scrutiny. For global brands and corporations, profit occupies centre stage so it is all about knowing who the consumer is and increasing targets, leading us to spend more and more.

What we need to realise is our power as consumers and turn their constant data analysis to our advantage and influence how the fashion industry operates. We can be demanding and enquire about where and how our clothes and accessories are produced. When you go shopping, it is always good to look for the label inside the garment as it tells you the country where it was produced and the fabric (yes, it looks like silk but it isn't).

But is the information about the country enough? We should definitely know the name of the company so we can research and know if workers are given a salary within the standard living cost of that particular country and work the same hours per week as we do, which gives them enough time to also enjoy life and be with their family and friends.

If you love a particular brand go onto its website and check if there is information about the manufacturer, it is very likely that there isn't anything at all, but do send an email enquiring about it. By doing so, you are contributing to a better world. If you have many followers you can enquiry a brand directly and use #whomakesfashion to spread the word. We cannot just blame big corporations, our responsibility as consumers is undeniable.

BBC has investigated how third world countries are paying an unfair price for our relentless spending habits. For further information click here. Below, you can watch a trailer of the documentary Dying for Fashion about this issue. Feel free to share it! We will keep you informed about what you can do to change fashion. Remember, the power is yours.

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